In the Republic of Udmurtia, the pace of development of the dairy industry and the volume of milk yields among local cows have significantly increased. Such information was shared with the public by Olga Abramova, who heads the republican Ministry of Agriculture.
According to her, the dairy industry in the region maintains a positive trend: on average, each Udmurt cow produces about nineteen liters of milk per day, which makes it possible to daily receive a total regional milk yield of two thousand tons of products.
For example, it should be noted that a year earlier, the total figure was about one thousand nine hundred tons per day. In other words, the daily milk yield “gained weight” by one hundred tons.
Abramova also shared data on how quickly the pace of sales of republican milk is growing. So, it is known that today the milkmen of the region have every chance to increase milk yield from one cow to an indicator of six and a half tons at the end of the year.
But even a year earlier, the figure was only four hundred kilograms. It will not be amiss to note that experts from the Ministry of Agriculture of Udmurtia are developing a plan to reduce losses in milk yield from a financial point of view.
Indeed, looking back at last year, the dairy industry suffered losses in the amount of more than six hundred million rubles.