Belonging to the most sought-after vegetables, carrots also stand out among them for their high gastronomic qualities and a variety of nutrients. The benefits of carrots for human health in general and its ability to solve problems with bowel cleansing in particular will be discussed later in the article.
Did you know? Carrots have been a great substitute for toothbrushes and toothpaste for a long time. It not only qualitatively cleans tooth enamel from contamination and germs, but also prevents many dental problems.
Botanical Description
Carrots belong to the Umbrella family, as its inflorescence really resembles an umbrella. And yet this two-year-old herb is much better known for its root crop. On the surface it is crowned with a curly tops, consisting of cirrus-dissected leaves, and deep into the earth roots that sometimes reach a depth of 2 m, but most often rest at a depth of 0.6 m, depart from it. Its weight ranges from 0.025 kg to over 0.5 kg The root crop, most often of a radical orange color, is covered with a thin skin, near which a maximum of nutrients is concentrated in it itself.
Chemical composition
This vegetable consists of a diverse set of nutrients that nourish both root crops and leaves with seeds. Vitamin cocktail presented in it:
- retinol (A);
- thiamine (B1);
- riboflavin (B2);
- pantothenic acid (B5);
- pyridoxine (B6);
- folic acid (B9);
- ascorbic acid (C);
- tocopherol (E);
- biotin (H);
- phylloquinone (K);
- bioflavonoids (PP).
Did you know? Carrot root is not only the usual orange color, but also white, purple, yellow, red and even black.
Mineral nutrients are expressed in micro and macro elements. There are a dozen microelements in carrots, among which are almost all minerals that are most important for human health.
They are supplemented by macronutrients represented by:
- potassium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium
- magnesium
- sodium;
- gray;
- chlorine.
The nutritional value of the product is small: 100 g of the product give only 42 kcal. In the same 100 g, there are:
- carbohydrates - 9.7 g;
- protein - 0.94 g;
- fat - 0.25 g.
Important! The daily intake of carrots in a mass exceeding 300 g is not recommended.
The properties of carrots for the human body
Such a high saturation of the vegetable with nutrients determines its value for maintaining human health.
Than useful
The noticeable presence of vitamin A in carrots has a positive effect on the visual organs.
- In addition, the set of nutrients present in the product favors:
- strengthening the body's immune system and increasing its ability to withstand the infectious effects of pathogenic microorganisms;
- balancing the composition of intestinal microflora and eliminating dysbiosis;
- the liberation of the body from reactive substances that destroy its cells;
- successful development of the baby in the womb;
- solving problems with men's health, including increasing potency;
- optimization of the gastrointestinal tract;
- bringing to normal the state of the walls of blood vessels;
- cleansing organs from toxins and poisons;
- relief of pain with ulcers, burns and damage to the skin;
- wound healing;
- protecting the kidneys and gall bladder from the appearance of stones in them;
- improving the appearance and internal condition of the skin and hair.
Important! It well prevents dehydration of the body with diarrhea carrot decoction, which can be given even to infants.
The listed features of carrots make it in demand with:
- sore throat;
- diabetes mellitus;
- constipation
- digestion problems;
- vitamin deficiency;
- anemia
- myocardial infarction;
- bronchitis;
- hypertension
- hemorrhoids;
- impotence;
- infertility
- eczema
- poisoning;
- thrush in children.
Harm and contraindications
The presence in carrots of a large number of elements actively acting on the human body in certain cases is capable of causing significant harm to human health instead of benefit. For example, both fresh and boiled carrots, and carrot juice have the ability to optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and have a beneficial effect on the liver. But in diseases of these organs in acute form, the product shows the opposite effect and is therefore contraindicated in exacerbations of such diseases.
- In addition, a carrot product is contraindicated for:
- people suffering from individual intolerance to the product;
- patients with symptoms of gastric and intestinal ulcers;
- patients with inflammatory processes in the small intestine;
- patients suffering from pancreatitis;
- people who are diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity;
- colitis patients;
- children under the age of 6 months.
Important! Do not take carrot juice in excessive quantities, as this can turn the benefit into harm.
Carrot weakens or strengthens the chair
Irregular eating problems and a static lifestyle often cause constipation. And they, in turn, cause congestion in the rectum and lead to hemorrhoids. The root crop under discussion, which has a delicate laxative effect, which, without irritating the intestinal walls, improves peristalsis and allows you to get rid of constipation, helps to solve this unpleasant and often dangerous problem.
Laxative qualities of this product are due to:
- the presence of fiber in it, which helps cleanse the intestinal walls;
- the ability to stabilize carbohydrate metabolism, which inhibits fermentation processes and improves intestinal motility;
- choleretic effect, due to which the vegetable, stimulating the secretion of bile, activates the digestion of food and its assimilation;
- the ability of the root crop to eliminate the inflammatory processes leading to the occurrence of constipation.
Relieving constipation, carrots, oddly enough, can be useful even with constipation, the opposite of diarrhea. This is facilitated by the saturation of the vegetable with vitamins and fiber. Gently acting on the intestines and not irritating it, the root crop simultaneously supplies the body with vitamins and protects it from dehydration, which, together with the loss of vitamins, is accompanied by diarrhea. However, it should be borne in mind that with diarrhea only boiled or stewed carrots are indicated.
When and how to use it correctly
As mentioned above, the degree of benefit from the use of the vegetable in question depends on the state of the human body. In addition, a large role is played by the method of eating a carrot product, its preparation, and the amount of carrot consumed and drunk carrot juice. For example, if you gnaw the whole carrot, or even if it is crushed on a coarse grater, the human body will absorb only 5% of the carotene in the vegetable that has been eaten.But it is necessary to grind carrots on a fine grater, as the assimilation of the same carotene will immediately jump to 20%. And if you add any fats to the grated root crop, for example, in the form of vegetable oil or sour cream, then the digestibility of carotene will increase to 50%. This is due to the fact that vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance. For the same reason, it is useful to add a little cream to carrot juice.
Carrots belong to those rare vegetables whose value when heated is not only not lost, but in some cases, like that of tomatoes, even increases. During cooking or stewing, carotene and all B vitamins remain in the vegetable in the initial concentration, but the presence of proteins and lipids decreases, as does dietary fiber, which improves the digestibility of vegetables by the body, optimizes intestinal activity, arouses appetite and strengthens the immune system.
With constipation, in order to get rid of them, you can try the following:
- Raw carrots are taken and grated on a fine grater. Then crushed apples and cabbage are added to the product. The result is a kind of "brush for the intestines", which gently, in a gentle way cleanses the intestinal walls.
- You can also mix finely grated carrots with honey and refrigerate. Taken every day before bedtime 2 tbsp. l this mixture can dramatically solve problems with constipation.
- But boiled carrots are best eaten a quarter of an hour before meals, which contributes to a more effective effect on the intestines.
- Best of all, this problem with the intestines is solved by carrot juice, which should be drunk in a glass in the morning and evening. In addition to the main problem, juice in parallel provides quick falling asleep, as it has sedative qualities.