One of the main products in the diet of rodents, including rabbits, is grain. Since there are many different types of it, the question arises before the rabbit breeder: which one is best used as feed. Let's see what grain is best to feed rabbits and how to cook it before use.
Is it possible to give rabbits grain
Grain is a very important product in the diet of rabbits. This type of food provides animals with undeniable benefits due to several factors, including:
- high nutritional value;
- easy assimilation by the body;
- optimal ratio BZHU.
Did you know? Cereals are divided into 2 main types: legumes and bread. The latter, in turn, are divided into cereal, buckwheat and amaranth.
Features of Grain Feeding
Despite the benefits of this food, not all types of cereals can be consumed by rabbits. In addition, the owner needs to properly prepare the product and proceed from how much grain a rabbit needs per day - only in this case it will be useful.
What grain is better to give
When drawing up the diet, you should consider what kind of grain rabbits eat.
There are 4 main types that must be eaten as a hare:
- Corn. The product has an optimal energy value (119 kcal per 100 g) and due to its nutritional value it is a component of many combined mixtures. Corn grains contain a large amount of phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, nicotinic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins E and D. Eating them helps to stabilize metabolism and improve weight and height.
- Oats. The product contains thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, cobalt, silicon and manganese.Calorie content of the product is 336 kcal per 100 g, which indicates a great energy value. It also helps to improve the digestive system, improve metabolism and cleanse the body. Oats are often included in prepared feeds and used as one of the first products for feeding young rabbits.
We advise you to find out
- Wheat. Wheat grains are no less nutritious than oat grains, because they contain 345 kcal per 100 g. Of the nutrients in the composition, B vitamins predominate. Wheat contributes to weight gain and increased growth, which benefits young growth and underweight rabbits.
- Barley. The calorie content of barley grains is 354 kcal per 100 g. The product is rich in lysine, choline, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins. Barley is necessary for the growth and maintenance of pet health.
Rate per day
The daily rate of grain is important to maintain a healthy rabbit.When calculating how much grain a pet needs per day, it is important to consider the age, weight and condition of the animal:
- sedentary decorative rocks can be given up to 20 g;
- 50 g are enough for young active females and males;
- adult rabbits of both sexes need 50-60 g;
- for pregnant females, as well as in the postpartum and lactation periods, it is important to increase the volume to 100 g.
Methods for making grain for rabbits
Before use, the product should be prepared. There are several cooking options. Dry food can be either germinated or yeast, steamed or crushed.
Eating yeast feed is beneficial for lightweight rabbits and for breeding meat.For cooking, use the ingredients in the following proportions:
- cereal (1 kg);
- warm boiled water (2 l);
- baker's yeast (10 g).
- Put the product in a large container.
- Dilute the yeast in water until completely dissolved.
- Pour cereal with the prepared yeast solution.
- Leave on for 8–9 hours, stirring every 20–30 minutes.
One of the easiest cooking methods - steaming - does not require much effort and money.
To do this, you need the following components:
- mono-or multicomponent grain mixture;
- water.
- Put the mixture in a container and fill with water.
- Rinse the mixture thoroughly and drain.
- Boil water.
- Pour boiling water over the food.
- Leave on for 5–7 hours until swelling.
- Drain the water.
Important! Floating particles are best discarded, since animal consumption is undesirable.
This method is popular with livestock breeders, because with active growth the product synthesizes a large amount of nutrients. Germinated grain is necessary for vitamin deficiency and a weakened immune system. Such a valuable product for health is easily prepared independently - in order to figure out how to germinate the grain, you do not need to study a lot of information.To prepare you will need:
- cereals;
- warm water;
- napkin or gauze.
- Put wheat or barley in a wide shallow dish.
- Cover the food with a napkin or gauze.
- Pour water into the container (the cloth should be soaked).
- Add water periodically until light sprouts appear.
- If you use a paper towel, it can be changed as it dries.
Crushed grain
One of the methods of preparation of the product is crushing. Such food can be purchased ready-made, but you can also cook it yourself. This will require only a chopper and the product itself. Most often, crushing recommendations apply to corn, but owners can cook oats, wheat, and barley in a similar fashion.
Feeding rabbits with grain according to the method of Zolotukhin
One of the ways to organize the feeding of rabbits with grain is called the Zolotukhin method. The diet is made depending on the age and gender of the pets.The author of the method offers some rules:
- Self-fed young animals should be fed with oats in a soaked form, soaked barley can also be given;
- after 4 months, crushed corn is introduced into the diet;
- adult males should eat dry oats, barley and corn;
- sexually mature females should preferably eat oats dry;
- crushed barley is added to the diet of reproductively involved females before mating and childbirth.
Did you know? Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotukhin graduated from the Moscow Veterinary Academy in 1968 and is a certified rabbit breeder. He became famous for constructing a three-tier cage for rabbits, which does not have a mesh floor and a pallet.
Grain feed mixtures
Grain mixtures are convenient in that they can be made of your choice, paying attention to the individual needs of the pets. Wheat, oats, barley and corn are mixed in dry form, after which the mixture can be given to rabbits or cooked using one of the above methods.
In addition, you can add other components, for example, seeds or bran. The optimal percentage is calculated based on the parameters of a particular animal.An exemplary diet may be as follows:
- oats - 50%;
- wheat - 20%;
- corn - 20%;
- barley - 10%.
What is the best way to feed rabbits: compound feed or grain
Grain and grain mixtures are considered natural fodder. This type of product has a simple composition, so there is no doubt about the ingredients. The benefits of cereals are also undeniable, each type of which is saturated with vitamins and minerals.
They can be given to pets both in dry form and in prepared - sprouted, crushed, yeast or steamed. Combined feeds - concentrated feed with many components are also used as food for rabbits.
Compound feed, as a rule, consists of:.
Find out also
- cereals;
- bran;
- oilcake;
- meal;
- flour of animal origin;
- chalk;
- yeast
- salts;
- vitamin premixes
When choosing the optimal food, it is necessary to take into account the needs of animals. For feeding pets, you can use grain mixtures, since they fully cover the need of animals for the necessary nutrients. When breeding rabbits at home or on a farm, it is better to pay attention to compound feeds, which also have cereals in their composition and are able to provide animals with the necessary elements without wasting the breeder’s efforts to compose feed.However, feed has a significant drawback compared with grain mixtures, namely: high cost.
Grain is an important component in the diet of rabbits. A correctly selected and prepared product is able to provide them with the necessary micro and macro elements. Cereals need to be added to the diet of pets to maintain their health and livelihoods.Important! In addition to grain mixtures and animal feed, do not forget to feed the rabbits greens, vegetables, fruits and hay.